Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Save Me

I was listening to 'Bachelor No. 2' by Aimee Mann last night but this morning, this song was in my head.

This is not even on the Batch2 album, but 'Save Me', off the Magnolia soundtrack, is her career knockout. The kind of song that once heard, ghostly follows all of the artist's work. Every element works: the beautiful Bob Dylan wandering melody with held back vocals, the subtle introduction of instruments and especially the spare Neil Young 'Heart of Gold' bass-bass-snare drums where the hi-hat really comes in at the chorus. For all the listening people do to Bob and Neil, not many use the tricks of spareness that really make them work. Not like this. Every track on 'Bachelor No. 2' works with a familiar classic intimacy, like this one.

1 comment:

ngoc said...

I'd forgotten about this song... tres magnifique!