Friday, January 18, 2008


I have to admit that I am not a "huge" (i.e. "ginormous") fan of the new Spoon record. It gets to be a little boring in the middle. BUT, that third track "You Got Yr Cherry Bomb" ranks in the top 10 songs of the 2000s for me - I probably listened to it about 50 to 150 times over the course of a couple of days when I first bought the record. It's ethereal-ly perfect, sexy and satisfying. In my Itunes, if I play "You Got Yr Cherry Bomb," usually it's also tracked with the Runaways' "Cherrybomb." The thing I love about the Runaways is how they were these cute high-school girls who managed to look so f'in' baaaad. I mean, look at them:
They look like they're going to steal your lunch, eat it, make out with your boyfriend in front of you, and then kick dirt in your eye and walk away like it's no big deal.

I always wanted to look bad. If you look bad, it's easier to get the bartender's attention or to convince that creepy dude on the bus to not try to talk to you. It's pretty hard for me to look bad. It's hard for me to not look 13 and have people ask me if I'm a child. So I've been trying to practice sneering.
This is how I look normally:I generally look a little confused but attentive. (These were all shots done in my bathroom by the way, since it's the only place in my apartment with a mirror to practice sneering to.) Okay, this is me with my first "bad" look. I just thought to myself "look bad!"I don't look so bad. I just look like I smelled something bad. I think here I am trying to incorporate more "frown" to my sneer:I still look like something just smells bad, but now I am mad about it! Now here, I'm just trying to get more of that "bad" feeling going, like "Hell yes, I WANT TO LOOK BAD!"Uugh. I don't look very "bad." I just look like one of the Runaways took my lunch money and laughed at me. I'm going to go back to practicing what I know how to do already, which is lookin' cute:Aaaah.... much better. So tie tie from sneering... Sleepytime!

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